Special Instruction

Instruction after Tooth Extraction


The length of time you experience numbness varies. While your mouth is numb you'll have to be careful not to bite cheek, lips, tongue. Anesthesia will subside in few hours.


  • Gauze pack is placed on extraction site to lomit bleeding and confine blood while clothing takes place. The gauze should be left in place for 30-45 mins tightly. After you have dental clinic don't chew on pack. You shouldn't open mouth for 30-45 mins.
  • After keeping gauze for 30-45 mins; throw it and u can take a chilled icecream or cols jiuce (not with straw).
  • There may be bleeding after the pack is removed, if so follow this procedure:
    • Fold a piece of clean gauze (thick enough) dampen the pad and place is directly on the extraction site.
    • Apply moderate pressure pressure by closing the teeth firmly over the pad, maintain this pressure for 30 mins.
  • A slight amount of blood may leak from extraction site until a clot form. Don't worry. However in case of heavy bleeding, contact us. (Remeber that a lot of saliva and a very little blood can look like a lot of bleeding).
  • Never suck extraction site.


  • After extraction a blood clot forms in tooth socket. This clot is very important part of normal healing. You should avoid activities that might disturb clot.
  • DON'T SMOKE. It create suction in mouth which could dislodge clot and delay healing.
  • Don't clean tooth next to healing tooth socket for rest of the day. But you should howevere brush rest of the teeth. If you have suture that requires removal of it. We will instruct you when to return. (Generally 1 week)


  • We will prescribe medication to control infection and pain, you should continue as instructed.
  • If there is any allergy or any kind of problem with medication, stop that and contact us.


  • After extraction avoid hot foods or liquids for 1 or 2 days.
  • Avoid hard foods. Eat soft food, nutritions food and take lots of liquids.
  • Try to chew food on side opposite the extraction site.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Gently rines your mouth with luke warm salt water after 2 days.


  • Don't spit forcefully on the day of extraction done.
  • Don't poke your tongue to the extraction site.
  • A little amount of swelling will be there sometimes, don't worry. It's very common.